About Yourself
* Name |
* Email |
* Job Function |
* Country where you are based |
About Your Organisation
* Name of your organisation |
Approximate total value of assets (billions USD) |
Primarily what type of firm are you? |
Hedge fund
Long-only manager
Primarily long-only manager but with some hedge fund strategies
Other (please specify):
What type of clients do you have? |
High Net Worth Individuals and Wealth Managers
Institutional and retail
Algorithmic Trading Activity
1. On average what percentage of trades by value is executed by algorithms on a daily basis? |
2. On average what percentage of trades by volume is executed by algorithms on a daily basis? |
3. What percentage of the following securities do you trade electronically? |
Fixed Income
Foreign Exchange
Listed Derivatives (Futures and options)
Other (please specify)
4. Of the following, what are the most attractive features of algorithms from your perspective?
Elements Impacting Directly on the Desk |
Increased trader productivity
Lower commission rates
Elements Impacting Directly on Execution |
Consistency of execution performance
Higher speed, lower latency trading
Better prices (Price Improvement)
Reduced Market Impact
Other Features |
Greater anonymity in trading
Results consistently match pre-trade estimates
Customisation capabilities
Flexibility and sophistication of smart order routing
Algo monitoring capabilities
Data on venue/order routing logic or analysis
Which of the following markets do you trade electronically? |
North America
* 5. Of the following providers, which do you use regularly for algorithmic trading (maximum=10)? |
6. For your most-used providers, what types of algorithm do you use? |
Market Participation or Benchmark Algorithms |
%Volume (Participation) |
Target Close/Auction Algos |
7. For your most-used providers, which of the following asset classes are traded using algorithms? |
Asset Class |
Crypto |
Equities |
ETFs |
Fixed Income |
Foreign Exchange |
Listed Derivatives (Futures and options) |
8. Please rate the algorithmic trading capabilities of your most-used providers in terms of the features below.
(Each feature should be rated on the following scale: 7-Excellent; 6-Very Good; 5-Good; 4-Satisfactory; 3-Unsatisfactory; 2-Weak; 1-Very weak)
Scores |
Increase trader productivity |
Reduced market impact |
Execution consistency |
Cost |
Speed |
Anonymity |
Price improvement |
Customisation features |
Ease of use |
Data on venue/order routing logic or analysis |
Customer support and services |
Execution consulting and pre-trade cost estimation |
Breadth of dark or alternative liquidity sources that are accessed |
Flexibility and sophistication of smart order routing |
Algo monitoring capabilities |
10. How do you measure algo performance? |
Implementation Shortfall TCA
Mean reversion
Liquidity capture
Other (Please Specify)
11. For your most-used providers, do you expect to make use of any additional algorithms? |
Yes If YES, which algorithms?
No |
12. Do you expect to make use of additional algorithmic trading providers in the next 12 months? |
Yes If YES, which provider(s)?
No |
13. What additional product features and/or service features do you want from existing/prospective providers? 300 character maximum, incl spaces |
14. Are your algorithms executed through an OMS/EMS? |
OMS If YES, which one?
EMS If YES, which one?
Neither OMS or EMS
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